Download templates from our download page, then have then printed at a print shop locally or online. To order items in bulk (100 or more at a time), we recommend and for yard signs and for bumper stickers.
Let us know by email what you’d like. Tell us what you need and where you're located. We’re happy to provide signs and stickers free of charge, but only after discussing numbers, shipping, and similar concerns. Just get in touch and we’ll do our best to work something out!
We ask that you:
1) Keep in touch! We'd like to know where you are and how your sign-and-sticker campaigns are going. Tell us what you've learned, and tell us what we and others can learn from you.
2) Use social media to spread the word about this project. Post pictures and links online. Send a link to this website to friends and colleagues, list serves, weekly bulletins, etc. Write a letter to the editor, or suggest a story to your local paper and other media outlets.
3) Either give the signs and stickers away, sell them at no profit, or donate proceeds from their sale to appropriate charitable or political causes.